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Article: What is Bill doing in his bed?

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Article: What is Bill doing in his bed? Empty Article: What is Bill doing in his bed?

Post by Anne <3 Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:30 am

In a hotel in Berlin few days ago Tokio Hotel were interviewed to BRAVO.
Bill (18), Tom (18), Gustav (19) & Georg (20) Opend for us their hotel room doors.

BRAVO: What are you doing at night after a stress day?
Georg: I close myeself up in my room and just relaxing.
sometimes i check Emails, then I go to bed and watch TV.
Tom: I see that differently. most of time Georg is busy with a picture
of me ,and with his right hand.. *laughs*
Gustav: I have a big collection of DVD's, so i watch 1 or 2 in night.
Bill: i'm calling alot. you don't want to see my bill.

BRAVO: whom are you calling Bill?
Bill: To friends and family. I need to know is they are well.
Somtimes i'm talking with them for hours!

BRAVO: Are sometimes sad because you can't be with your familys?
Bill: i'm often sad when i'm alone in my hotel room.
Although i love being on road with the band, in the hotel rooms i get sad
and melancholyc. I can't say why, but then i want to be in my bed.
Tom would never say it, but i can bet that he is sometimes sad.

BRAVO: Did you ever cryed because of lonelyness?
Tom: In our tourbus i sometines heard Georg and his handkerchief,
but i'm not sure why he crys, Because he don'r get girls, or because he
used his handkerchief for somthing else. *everybody laughes*

BRAVO: Are you often together?
Bill: Yes we are often going to the wellness room together and relax.
Georg: or we often do a meeting in a room and eat together.
Then we talk about the band and make decisions.

BRAVO: What was the greatest thing you've experienced in a hotel?
Bill: after our last show in Essen, the fans were screaming from happyness.
they stood outside of our hotel and hold signs of
"Nice to see you at home again". it felt good because we felt we are at
home again.

BRAVO: with hand on your heart- wich one of you see P*rno movies
in his hotel room?
Tom: because everyone pays their bill for itself,
Georg has p*rno collection on his computer. so check-out is not so
embarrassing for him! but i prefer real girls- not the one on the screen.

BRAVO: when it was the last time you took a girl to your hotel room?
Tom: 45 minutes before this interview! *smiles*
you shouldn't talk with the other about this. the fact that nothing is
not happaning it their room is a painfull spot for the other 3.
i think it's worthwhile that i won't deal with it too much, because i'm
very considering.

Translated by Anne (C)

- Sorry for my bad english!
Anne <3
Anne <3
TH-israel site Manager

Female Number of posts : 4
Age : 31
Location : Israel
Registration date : 2007-11-07

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Article: What is Bill doing in his bed? Empty Re: Article: What is Bill doing in his bed?

Post by yael.m Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:59 pm

the same answers in every interview.

thanks so much! Smile


Female Number of posts : 31
Location : Israel
Registration date : 2007-10-21

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